Thursday, April 5, 2012

blog 6

Music can bring alot of positive effecys.In this essay i will dicuss some ideas in the passge "Is music a good tool for heath"and sighificance.Summarize the passage and some of its key points.

Mmusic been found to effect us in a meditative state .Now music is not just for dancing but can be use in therapy as a tool.Its differnt type of music ,soft,hype ,slow all can have a different affect on a person.Me personlly music clear my state of mind.When im listing to my favorite song my mind would fall into a zone.In the passage it says that music can simulate brain waves bring more concentration and more alert thinking.
I found it sighticant that they using music in therapy. just listing to music bring you benefits and put you in a better state of mind. That was one of the key point in the passage.Theres alot of people that have issues like depression and have bad anxiety.I think its a good idea to use music as therapy.
As you can see music can bring alot of benefits.Its growing medical field.I hope you learn some of the benfits of just listing to music.Just some thoughts you should think about the next time you listen to your ipod

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